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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
u ULMA +square 7
u UNWIND MUSIC +square 9
u WIN +square & flag 3
u-LIKE +square 12
square 7
ue SUPERAQUIFER +square 11
umbrella & square 9, 42
unique +leaf & square 30
urban CLUB +arcs & square 18
square 43
uwc UBAK +square 25
v +square 7, 9, 16, 37
v +circles & square 42
v CIVILNET +square 37
v GRIPP +square & triangle 10
v TEL TELCOM +square 38
v TRACK +square & globe 9
v VANITA AGRO +square 1
v VENTEX +square 18
v VIJAY +square 16, 35
square 42
v VINITA +square 24
v VINTECH +square 35, 37
v VISTA +square 39
v VOICE CASH +square 36, 38, 42
v v-COTT'S +square 24
v-TWO shirtings +square 24
v2 virgin VALLEY +square 43
va VAN +square 24
va VASO AMANTE +square 21
va VICTO +square 12
vdw VON DER WENSE +square 6, 8, 18
vehicle & square 12
vf VEENUS FLOCK ART +square 7
vi p.c.b. VERON +square 9
vk VANDANA KHAITAN +square 25
vmf MANE +square 30
vp +square 9
vt +square 6
vvh ASTRA +square 25
w +square 1, 3, 8, 18, 20
square 25
w WATT +square & stripes 25
w WEDGE aus/78 +square 25
w WEIZMANN +square 16
w WEST END MARBLES +square 19
w WESTERN +square & circle 9
w WINGS +square & wings 35
w WINTECH +square 9, 16
walking fingers & square 16
water TIME +drops & square 32
waves drop & square 11
weave & square 27
web 18 +square 38
welcome +hands & square 25
wellcoat paints +square arc 2
square 16, 17, 19, 20, 35, 36, 37, 42
when it comes to hr +square 35
white wash +square 37
window & square 16
wing & square 11
wise +square 16
woman & square 3, 29, 30, 32, 35, 41, 44
woman circle & square 25
woman flower & square 25
woman man & square 41
woman man arcs & square 5
woman man plants & square 36
woman oval & square 5
won wish +hearts & square 25
wonderful KIDS ZONE +square 28
wood FEEL +leaf & square 19
world square +arcs 37
square 25
worm & square 16
ww +square 25
x +square 3, 41
x +square & arcs 9
x XE-BEC +square & oval 9
x XENEL MENZ +square 18, 25
x XPERT +square 6, 19
x XPRO +square 28
x YG-x +square 25
x magix +square 35, 41
x tv +square 16
xml data link +square 9
xx SCREENET +square 16
y YOUTH GENES +square 25
z +circle & square 6
z +cross & square 11
z ZANKAR +square & arcs 9
z ZIRKERAMIK +square 1
z ZITURA +square 14
z ZODIAC +square 12
z ZORA +arcs & square 19
z ZURICH shirts +square 25
z filters +square 34
zero +square 36
square, circle & arrows 6
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